
Monthly Archive for: ‘August, 2012’ - Q & A Thursday - Facebook for Your Business - Online Marketing Coach, Website Design, Facebook, Email Marketing, Social Media, Training

Why Facebook is Important for Your Small Business

You may have heard that people do business with people that they know, like, and trust. You may also have heard that you have to been on Facebook to grow your business and turn into a bajillionaire. Naturally, you want to know if it’s true. After all, “everyone” can’t be wrong, can they? So here’s the simple truth: Facebook is …

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Lessons from the Trenches - Stick with PayPal - Felicity - Behind the Scenes- Online Marketing Coach, Wordpress, PayPal, Credit Card Processing, Online Course, Payment

Lessons from the Trenches – Stick with PayPal

When my brother and I were growing up, we loved watching “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” At least once an episode, Bob Saget would say “Kids, don’t try this at home” right before a guy in the video did something to damage his – well, you know. Today, I’m going to give you the same advice about taking credit card payments …

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Felicity - Resources - Online Marketing Coach, Wordpress, Plug-Ins, Free, Essential, Google, SEO, Spam Blocker

9 Essential Free Plug-ins for Your WordPress Website

Whether your WordPress site is a build-it-yourself or manage-it-yourself affair, there are a few ways to make your job much, much easier.  They’re called plug-ins, which is a short way of saying “a piece of website coding that does something really cool.”  I’ve compiled a list of the cool plug-ins that I install on every website that I build for …

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